During our SULADS Missionary Training, I was feeling an intense longing to be assigned in my own village. I had this feeling even before joining the training. This longing grew to be an intense desire- to serve my own tribe. I am also a lumad and a product of SULADS Missionary work back in the early 90’s. I am from Mahayag Village, Sacramento Valley, San Fernando, Bukidnon. It never came to me that I would be sent to another mission field. I thought my desire is the desire of my God for me. When the time came for the announcement of our assignment, I was disheartened hearing our assignment is in a different village. In the wisdom of the Lord, He assigned us in Zubiri Village, P-5, Brgy. Paitan, Quezon, Bukidnon. I was dismayed but my submission to His will remained in my heart. I did not see clearly the point of not putting me in my own people but my spirit was quiet inside me.
Few days later, we were sent to our assigned mission field. It was a great comfort being welcomed by the entire village. Day after day, the good Lord opened my eyes to the very mission He intended me to do in Zubiri Village. And the beautiful story of restoration to the village’s backsliding spirit started to unfold.
I would like to introduce to you a village member named Agustine. Agustine is a student of SULADS Missionaries’ Bobby Llamera and Neil Tagaraw in Basak, Sinuda Mission School back in the 90’s. These missionaries had learned that Agustine had slipped farther and farther away from God. He went farther and farther until it was very hard for him to be on the right path again. Since 2003, he lived a life of vices and faithlessness. He deliberately chose a life of freedom to obey the call of his human nature. The two missionary teachers of Agustine were praying for a miracle of his reconversion.
Agustine is a no ordinary man, because he is truly a gifted singer. He sings really well and I admire him for his voice offered to God. SULADS and the SDA church family had witness the ministry of his voice with his songs. There were many attempts for him to sing abroad. It was during the SULADS Jamboree that I got to know Agustine and he had been known for his gift in singing. I know he is nobody. I know that he is truly somebody in God.
Seeing Agustine in the path He had chosen had kindled my earnest desire to win him back. As a young boy in Mahayag mission School, I believe we had been taught the same precious spiritual lessons from our missionary teachers. It pained me and my wife so much to see a friend, a brother wallowing in the mud of a darkened and clouded life. I can feel his misery.
Let me bring you to a short flashback. Before reaching our village I was able to connect to the SULADS teacher who nurtured the faith inside him during our mission school days. His wife then told me, “Well, one of your missions is Agustine to be back in faith.” Amid my unhappy feelings not being assigned in my own village, I gave her this assurance, “With God’s help, ma’am, I will do that.” And reaching the mission school the very first thing the Lord made me do is form a children’s singing group. Having formed the group, I then asked Agustine, “Can you assist me in this mission?” Without any hesitation he accepted my plea.
What should we do next? Without any delay, I told him my earnest desire and prayer for him to be back in the old path of living with God. I told him that I do not need to give him Bible studies again. I believe he has never forgotten all the teachings. I believe he still has God in his heart. I believe he is very open for God to renew his heart. After hearing my words, Agustine in his rueful manner answered me, “I don’t know sir, if I could still come back to Church. My body is already filled with nicotine. What good does it do when I am enslaved with this vice already?”
What Agustine answered me was a flickering hope of his reconversion to the old faith. In full assurance of God’s work in His heart I was beaming with joy thinking of that day when Agustine will be with me in church and together with me in offering to God our voices.
Two weeks after that serious talk with Agustine, I went back to visit him again. I could say that that visit was the best visit ever. I did not know where to put my astonishment when Agustine asked me, “Sir, where will you go to church this Sabbath? I would like to go with you together with my family.” He then expressed his realizations and blurted, “I don’t want to miss heaven!”
Hearing those words from Agustine at that very time made me want to jump, to shout and cry for joy. That was truly feeling the joy of heaven of a soul back in the arms of Jesus again. Before leaving his place, I offered prayer for him and his family. The very Sabbath of that week I saw Agustine with his wife and children dressed and ready to worship with us. We also had with us our Children’s singing group. I stood silently for a moment and whispered to God, “Mission Accomplished!”
I know Agustine would still have great struggles of leaving completely his previous life and his addiction to nicotine. But in my simple faith to the God who had assigned me to Zubiri Village, I know He will be faithful to uphold Agustine in His righteous right hand.
There is no other joy in a missionary’s life than to see a brother brought to the right path. There is no other joy than to see a backslidden brother back into the fold again. There is no greater joy in a man’s life than to help a brother in need, to snatch a sister in darkness and to work for the perishing souls. There is no greater joy in heaven than to see the church doing all the work in Jesus’ name. That heaven may soon declare, “WELL DONE, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”